Odd Fellows Lodge

(Williams Company Building)

Also listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, this three story brick building is a rather symmetrical building on the upper two floors. On the bottom floor, the entrances are placed off-center, giving that much more intrigue. Regardless, intriguing or not, some buildings have, as this one does, some undeniable historic charm, and warmth to it. (2017)

Architect: Oliver S. Compton

Built: 1927

Style: Art Deco

Type: Commercial

Address: 112 E Commonwealth

City: Fullerton


City of Fullerton. (2020). Williams Company. City of Fullerton. https://www.cityoffullerton.com/visitors/historical_places/odd_fellows.asp

National Archives Catalog. (2020). California SP Fullerton Odd Fellows Temple. Archives.gov. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/123860224