Bob's Big Boy


Originally built by Armét and Davis in their quintessential googie style, this building hearkens back to the peak of eye-catching roadside architecture. All of the defining googie characteristics are present, including: the monumental roof with its unique roofline, flagstone walls, walls of glass, low-cut landscaping, and of course the sign. Like an endangered species struggling to survive in the diminishing wilderness, Armét and Davis designed diners, and googie architecture are becoming increasingly difficult to find. There are no other googie diners in Orange County that can rival this one, and even the ones in Los Angeles are becoming harder to find. (2018)

Architect: Armé and Davis

Built: 1965

Style: Googie

Type: Commercial

Address: 12032 Harbor Blvd

City: Garden Grove


Roadside Architecture. (2020). Big Boy Restaurants.